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Are you struggling to make your farm profitable? Are your yields low? Would you like to increase production? If so, perhaps you could use expert advice from someone who has been in the business for more than 3 decades.


That's where I come in. I'm a professional mushroom consultant who can help you improve your yields with smart growing decisions, optimize growing conditions, and prevent common problems. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced grower, I can help you take your mushroom farm to the next level.


Don't wait, contact me and let's work together to make your mushroom farm a success. You can find my contact information below.




Extensive practical and technical expertise in all areas of mushroom cultivation, production and disease control. Worked my way up to become Vice President and Farm Director at one of the world’s largest and most profitable mushroom enterprises. My strong background in biology and technology allows me to design and implement effective solutions for improving the profitability of mushroom production in a dynamic and ever more challenging business environment.


35 years of experience in mushroom cultivation

Deep and practical understanding of mushroom biology

Team building and leadership

Large and small scale project management

Technologically savvy, fluent with today’s computers and electronics

Rudimentary Spanish, French, Russian

Fluent English, Polish

Mushroom Farm Experience

2021 - Farm Director at Giorgi Mushroom Company

2018 - Operations Manager at Giorgi Mushroom Company

2010 - General Manager and V.P. at Giorgi Mushroom Company, Farm 3

1998 - Farm Manager at Giorgi Mushroom Company, Farm 3

1993 - Head of Spawning Department at Giorgi Mushroom Company

1990 - Supervisor of Spawning Department at Giorgi Mushroom Company

1987 - Trainee at Giorgi Mushroom Company

Academic and Technical Background

1980 – Master of Science in plant genetics & breeding from University of Warmia & Mazury (former Agricultural and Technical Academy) in Olsztyn

1979 – Engineering degree from University of Warmia & Mazury in Olsztyn (former Agricultural and Technical Academy), Poland

1991 – Mushroom growing courses at Penn State University

1985 –1990 - Assistant to Department Head, Plant Genetics & Breeding, Institute of Vegetable Crops in Skierniewice, Poland,

1988 – Accepted to post graduate study to obtain PhD degree

1984 - Endive breeding in the Horticultural Research Station in Gembloux, Belgium

1979-1980 - Study of genetics and breeding of Buckwheat in focus on improving yields through hybridization, improved pollination and influence of growth regulators on fruiting bodies

1980 – 1985 – Researcher in the Dept of Plant Genetics & Breeding at the Institute of Vegetable Crops in Skierniewice, Poland, Main project - breeding of Belgian Endive adopted to growing local conditions.

1985-1990 also - breeding new garlic cultivars with focus on adaptation to local climate and tissue culture study on restoring of garlic’s ability to produce seeds so it could be propagated from seeds,

1979-1980 – Plant Genetics and Seed Production Laboratory at University of Warmia & Mazury (former Agricultural and Technical Academy), Olsztyn, Poland​


1979 - Influence of growth regulators on the formation of fruit bodies in buckwheat, including microsporogenesis, this work was a part of MS thesis and study at University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn, Poland

1983 - Genetic foundations of chicory “Witloof” (Amer.: Belgian Endive) breeding, Industry bulletin of plant breeding and seed production, Poland

1988 – Growing problems and evaluation of the economic value of garlic types in the collection of the Vegetable Research Institute, Vegetable Research News bulletin, vol 20, Poland

1993 – Breeding of Belgian Endive, Breeding of Vegetable Plants, chapter 7.2, page 310-314

2023 - Case Growing of white and brown mushrooms in America, "", the article was written for UMDIS Mushroom Agency mushroom news letter, Ukraine 


As a seasoned runner with a passion for fitness, I value the quality time I spend with my family. My wife and I have been in a loving and committed relationship for 46 years, and we are blessed with a son and two grandchildren who we see often.

My interests include technology, science, and mobile apps development. I am a proud citizen of the U.S.A. and I enjoy traveling and learning about different cultures and perspectives.


Currently advising farms in Mexico and US​

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